
Our Priorities

Click each card to learn more!

Inclusive Education

Educational settings are the same for students with disabilities as their non-disabled peers, and students with disabilities are engaged and active members of their school community. 

Family Engagement

Family members are encouraged to be an integral part of the students Individual Education Plan team, and their participation and sense of belonging is fostered amongst the school community. 

Professional Development

Learning opportunities that build upon the skills of teachers and paraprofessionals supporting students with disabilities.

Student Achievement

Students with disabilities have access to and engage in inclusive instruction, and specialized services and supports that lead to improved educational outcomes.

Transition Planning

Schools are committed to assisting students with disabilities to plan and prepare for their life in the community as adults.  Transition planning services include employment, education, and community living.

Job Skills

Students have access to and participate in robust vocational training programs that develop job skills that lead to employment within their communities.

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