How Kindness Helped Rebuild Lives

The Crotched Mountain community responds in a big way to a tragic event,

In the blink of any eye, normalcy can turn to emergency. That is what happened on March 30, when a fire devastated the home of one of Crotched Mountain’s shared living provider. The family, including their six children and two of our adult clients with disabilities, remain safe and cared for in a temporary shelter. They hope to have a permanent hope to move into soon.

We put out the call for aid: and the Crotched Mountain family answered! The public’s response to this emergency has been remarkable: many donated to our emergency fund to help provide basic needs, including food, clothing, and shelter costs. This has been a celebration of community action, of kindness overcoming adversity.

Someone who especially felt the impact of this generosity: Mike, a Crotched Mountain client. The fire took away all of Mike’s personal items, including his “voice,” his adaptive iPad that functions as a communication device to “speak’ with family, friends, and caregivers. Your donations helped purchase Mike’s new device and he is thrilled; he, and all members of his host family, are grateful for your kindness.

To date, the outpouring of support has totaled $8,285! Amazing!

If you would like to give, please click click here and select “House Fire Fund” in the dropdown menu.

Mike is thrilled ot have his “voice” back!
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