Helping Hands, Outstretched Paws

All is quiet at the Manchester Animal Shelter. The building isn’t open yet for future cat and dog owners. In the office, the staff huddle, mapping out their day. A few steps towards the cat room reveals a pair of visitors. Though, as it stands now, “visitors” is probably the incorrect term. Justin and Gajendra are fixtures.

Justin, an adult client who participates in Crotched Mountain’s Enhanced Family Care program, has been coming to the animal shelter in Manchester, NH regularly, usually a few times a week, for a very special job. Gajendra, his home provider, takes his position a few feet away, ready to help Justin in his efforts if needed.

Slowly, deftly, Justin opens one of the cat cages. He is immediately met by an eager feline, which pads out and into Justin’s awaiting arms. Justin whispers as he gently
pats the cat, now purring. This is obviously a man who’s done this before.

From cage to cage he goes, sometimes holding the cat or, if the animal is feeling shy that day (or there is a taped sign that notes this particular resident isn’t really in the patting mood) moving on to the next one.

The bottom line? If there is a cat that needs company and comfort, Justin is there to lend a hand.

“I like animals,” Justin says, “I grew up with dogs. I have a dog named Angel.”

Nearby, Gajendra encourages Justin along. Since October, Justin has been living with Gajendra and his family in their home. The Enhanced Family Care program is a unique residential opportunity that matches adults with disabilities with providers who have the heart, aptitude, and living space to welcome clients into a shared living environment. Active participation in the community, either through recreation, employment, or, in Justin’s case, volunteerism, is a key component of the daily routine.

“It’s been great,” Gajendra says. “Justin is such a nice, sweet guy.”

Gajendra isn’t the only person who shares that sentiment.

“Justin has always been a very positive person,” says Hannah, the Office Manager for the Manchester Animal Shelter. “He comes in with a smile on his face and he knows us all by name. He likes seeing all of us as much as he likes seeing the cats. It’s super cool.”

“The cats definitely benefit from having people come in to interact with them,” added Daniel, the Lead Feline Technician. “And with someone as friendly as Justin, it helps them socialize better. He’s really good with them.”

The “Family” in “Enhanced Family Care” is an appropriate piece of the relationship Gajendra and Justin have forged. Cousins, siblings, spouses on both sides have deepened their bonds, weaving in the branches of each family tree into a special new group of like-minded individuals—with what’s best for Justin at the root of it all.

As Gajendra says: “His family is my family. And my family is his family.”

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