Learning and Resources

CMF Kids Preschool Study

Over half of New Hampshire’s preschoolers with disabilities lack early intervention, fueling a growing educational crisis.

In New Hampshire, the promise of a bright future begins with our youngest and most vulnerable learners. However, for over 2,741 preschoolers with disabilities, that promise of a bright tomorrow is currently out of reach. More than 50% of these children—a staggering 1,370—are left behind each year, unable to access the crucial early intervention services they need before kindergarten.

Across the state, only 20% of preschool-aged children are enrolled in public programs, leaving the vast majority without the essential services foundational for healthy development and future academic success.

We have the knowledge; we have the evidence. We know that early intervention transforms lives, inclusive education fosters resilience, and investing in our youngest learners yields returns far beyond the classroom. Yet knowing is not enough; we must translate this understanding into tangible, transformative change. It’s time for us to act collectively.

We must act urgently to ensure our earliest learners with disabilities have the chance to reach their full potential before it’s too late—because every moment we wait, opportunities for growth, learning, and a brighter future slip further out of reach.


Special Education Links

New Hampshire Department of Education:  www.education.nh.gov

New Hampshire Institute on Disability: www.iod.unh.edu

Center for Inclusive Education:  www.iod.unh.edu/cie

NH Council on Developmental Disabilities: www.nhcdd.nh.gov

New Hampshire Family Voices: www.nhfv.org

Parent Information Center: www.picnh.org

North Country Education Services: www.ncedservices.org

Reaching Higher NH: www.reachinghighernh.org

NH Department of Health and Human Services: www.dhhs.nh.gov

NH Bureau of Developmental Services: www.dhhs.nh.gov

NH Vocational Rehabilitation Services: www.education.nh.gov

Next Steps New Hampshire: www.nextsteps-nh.org

New Hampshire Association of Special Education Administrators: www.nhasea.org

New England Autism Speaks: www.autismspeaks.org

Disability Rights Center – NH: www.drcnh.org