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Happy Birthday Harry Alan Gregg

When it comes to a legacy of helping others with disabilities in New Hampshire, few can compare to that of Harry Alan Gregg.

Harry Alan Gregg, founder of Crotched Mountain Foundation, would have turned 141 years old today, April 24. He was driven by an abiding love for children – especially children with disabilities. 

His first initiative was the Nashua Fresh Air Camp on Sunset Lake in Greenfield 1925. The Camp was free to inner city children from the Nashua area. He subsequently started many other efforts culminating in the Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center, also in Greenfield, which served children with polio and cerebral palsy and eventually became a special education school for those with hearing disabilities, developmental disabilities, autism and traumatic brain injuries.

His legacy allows us to continue funding diverse needs not funded elsewhere.

Today we commemorate his 141st birthday and celebrate his pioneering vision for a world where people of all abilities can live, learn, and thrive in the community.